Monday, August 16, 2010

Assignment 1

After watching the movie "Pirates of the Silicon Valley",

  • What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?

       After I watch the movie "Pirates of the Silicon Valley", I was so amazed with how the computers were first developed. I realize how lucky I am with our generation today, because using computers isn't that hard unlike the past generations. I admired how Steve Jobs start with the Apple Company. He has really a great passion and love with computers and he is really a business minded person. I think there are several things which led to the success and failures of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur, but before I proceed with these preceding issues. Let us know first what does a technopreneur means. The word Technopreneur came from the combined two words Technology and Entrepreneur. It means a business that is using technology as a business model. To make it simpler, a technopreneur is an entrepreneur that uses technology as means of a business tool.
        Base on my own idea, the factors which led to the success of Steve Jobs is his ability to convince people and his overflowing energetic self. As if his words are somewhat driving the people into the palm of his hands. The people tend to believe in all the words he says. As a technopreneur, we should really learn how to interact with other people and as good as possible is to make friends with them. After all, business is not really all about money; it is also about our relationship and interaction with other people. It is Steve Jobs creativity and aggressiveness that moves him to the peak of his career as an entrepreneur. He studies first the situation before he makes the move. His judgment is seemingly accurate and goes well according to his expectations. 
            It is through Steve Jobs that the apple company became so popular in the computer industry, but if we look at it in a different perspective, the success of the apple company appears not only through the help of Steve Jobs. His partner and best friend Steve Wozniak had also been a great asset in the success of the company. Wozniak was the one responsible for the technical areas of designing the hardware of the first computers of the Apple Company. I think the reason behind the failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur is because of his wrong attitude. He treated his workmen and staff indifferently. He pressures them through deadlines and mocked them as if they were the most stupid thing on earth. As a technopreneur we should also know how to handle our workmen and business staff properly with respect. What is the use of being intelligent and idealistic if we don't have the right attitude in life. 

       What is a proper Attitude in starting your business? In the main, it is the Attitude which you should maintain throughout your working day. Its principal elements are Honesty, Courage, Confidence, Self-respect, Poise, Clarity of Thought and Determination. These are to a great extent inter-dependent and their presence almost insures the co-relative qualities of Geniality, Courtesy and Tact.

        Don't wait until you are confronted by your task to get into the right Attitude. You can't do it. The engineer doesn't defer getting up steam until he is on the track. He does that in the roundhouse, and when he is coupled to his train he is ready to pull out at full speed.
Now, a few brief remarks on the chief elements of the proper Attitude.
        Fear or timidity is the least excusable of our failings. You are a business man meeting another business man. In nine cases out of every ten your calling is a far nobler one than his. If you are doing your work honestly you are at least his equal. If you are doing it efficiently you are probably his superior. To cap all, your errand is to do him an inestimable service. Keep these facts prominently before your mind's eye. Get the right Attitude.
        Timidity has a distinctly detrimental effect upon your work. It is instinctively associated in our minds with shame and weakness. The man who approaches us with embarrassment makes a disagreeable impression upon us. Why? Because experience has taught us that the man who addresses us in a shrinking manner is going to borrow money or say something which will be unpleasant to hear.
Before you have got so far as to state your business, you have often created an adverse impression by an air of hesitancy and apology. If you are afflicted with this failing you must overcome it.
        Confidence is begotten of honest intention, consciousness of ability and conviction of the worth of the thing we have to sell. It is a great force in the Approach. The confident man is the personification of power. Instinctively we begin to let down the barriers at his approach.
Acquire Confidence by forming a solid substructure of efficiency for it to rest upon.
         Of Self-respect I need say little . It depends upon inherent characteristics and acquired qualities. You cannot play a manly part without it. Foster it by every means in your power. Cherish it as your most valuable possession. Jealously guard...against the least impairment of it. Bear in mind that this is entirely under your control. No one but yourself can injure your Self-respect. Another can arouse in you any emotion but one. He can not make you feel mean. That feeling must emanate from some fault of your own.
          Poise is one of the most impressive characteristics. The man who laughs unrestrainedly, talks excitedly or slops over sentimentally exhibits weakness. On the other hand, the man who seldom allows full play to his emotions and feelings suggests reserve force.
         Keep yourself constantly in check. Only in this way may you exert your mental faculties to the best advantage. When the habitually poised man opens the sluice gates of his soul on justifiable occasion the flood of force is immeasurably greater than if he had them half open all the time.
        Clarity of Thought, which is, of course, the mother of clarity of speech, is constantly possible only to a well-poised mind. There is no more effective agency at the command of the Technopreneur than the clear expression of a well-defined thought. Its most essential element is a thorough understanding of the subject. I can make a statement pertaining to life insurance more clearly than the greatest orator or the brainiest man alive, if he should be ignorant of the subject. And because my statement, though couched in homely language, would penetrate your understanding farther than his, though conveyed with striking eloquence, I would convince you before he would.
        Spend no time in practicing rhetoric or elocution. Learn to think logically and honestly. Spare no pains in acquiring a thorough comprehension of your subject. And you may depend upon it that your presentation will be clear and forceful. That is true eloquence, regardless of the verbiage.
        Determination is the quality of being earnest and decided; the resolve to accomplish a purpose. If you approach a prospect with an earnest Attitude and a decided resolve to secure a hearing, believe me, you will succeed in almost every case.
        Obstruction melts away before a Determined Attitude. A thing willed is a thing more than half done.
Now let us take these qualities- this woof and weft- and pass them through the loom. What is the resultant fabric? Personality. The Attitude of the business man should be an expression of his Personality. The Attitude of the business man should be indicative of the qualities we have considered. The true Attitude is a natural one. It follows that the Personality of the Technopreneur must embrace Honesty, Courage, Confidence, Self-respect, Poise and Determination to become successful in his business.

  • How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?

       Well honestly, I am not really good in terms of handling a business, because I don't know how to spend my money wisely. I find it hard sometimes to save or earn, because I spend right away my money in some other things that are unnecessary. But I strongly believe that it is not a hindrance for me in becoming a good technopreneur.

       As a Christ-centered person, I also know my responsibilities, objectives and goals in life. Maybe there are some times that I give myself time to rest and relax from all pressures and stresses in life but I will never ever quit. Even though it will take me days, months or even years, I know I can still catch up. All I do is lift up my head, close my eyes, and gently whisper my selfish requests to God. For I know God is with me and He will always be there to give me strength. I acknowledge unto myself that without Him, I am nothing. Without God who strengthens me, I can do nothing. What is the use of fame and wealth if we don't acknowledge the goodness of our everlasting God? Everyone might think after having these things, they can obtain real happiness. But for me, real happiness can only be found in the loving arms of God. If I would focus my goal for money and fame, then I am nothing, for God will never appreciate these things which only bring forth evilness to mankind. 

         Honestly, I did not really saw or even dreamed myself as a business man someday. I just only longed for a simple life in the future. My mother used to ask me before what is my greatest dream in life. She laughs when I answered her "I want to see all the people around me smiling and laughing". My vision in life is not that really high. I would rather choose the path where I can see myself happy and everybody else, than living a life without anybody to be with.

           My perception towards myself as an entrepreneur reflects all aspects in my life. While I am still a student, I can see through myself all my shortcomings and responsibilities that I sometimes don't pay attention at all. I would honestly admit that I sometimes get easily invaded by my laziness through all my responsibilities at school, but I know this is not a reason for me to give up. Maybe I didn't really give my best to God. I do still need some evaluation and mastery through my self. It is a must for me to reflect from all the wrong attitudes towards my studies, my responsibilities to my school, to my family, my friends and most of all, to God. I know that life is a never ending process of learning. 

          Everyday, there are mistakes that I do, consciously or subconsciously. But in the end, what matters most is to confess, repent and learn from it. If I want to become a technopreneur, I should learn how to overcome some of these weaknesses in me. It is not right for me to give reasons and excuses for my carelessness and laziness. I know I can still reach my goal, of course with God on my side. I just don't want to rush things. I know God has a plan for me. It’s better to take it slowly and learn better, than to rush myself and learn nothing at all. I want to grow not through the will of others or the will of my own, but through the will of God only. The will of fire inside my heart is still burning because I know Jesus Christ is inside of it. Actually, my goal in life is not to become a wealthy and famous man in the future. My goal is to be a disciple of God, to preach all my friends and about to be friends about the goodness of our everlasting God. It is really my happiness to share the word of God to others. If I would really become a technopreneur someday, I would not focus my goal for money or for fame. But I would use it as a tool to honor and glorify God. If ever I will be successful, I will return to God all the good things He has done in my life in any way that I could. I believe that my existence here on earth is not any coincidence nor just happened by chance. I do believe that God puts me here to have the privilege to hear His gospels and to honor and glorify His name. My love for God is so contagious that it gives me a love to everything that surrounds me.

          For the totality of my answer, being a technopreneur to be, if the time comes, I can see my self in a reflection of which I am when I am nothing. I don't want to change my self just to become a successful technopreneur. Being a technopreneur is just being myself and being true to myself. If I fail, I will accept it, learn from it and move on. And if I succeed, I'll stay humble and be thankful to God for helping me reach my goals. What I mean is as a technopreneur, I would stay the same way as I am. I would not change my self because I love myself the just way it is now. I have a good family; I have so many good friends, and most of all a very, very loving and merciful God. And if given a situation choosing between these people that I love and good fortune,

          I would rather choose having an average life and living happily with the people I love than having good fortune and being alone because without them, everything that I have worked hard for, all my sacrifices and all successes that I obtain are nothing. It will all be meaningless.

  • Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not? 

          Before I give my insights about this certain topic, let us first know who really is Steve Jobs, and what is he during the time he started to establish the Apple Company.

           Steve Jobs was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin to Joanne Simpson and an Egyptian Arab father. Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California then adopted him. The writer Mona Simpson is Jobs’ biological sister. In 1972, Jobs graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. One semester later he had dropped out. But instead of going back home he hung around college and took up the study of philosophy and foreign cultures.

            Steve Jobs had a deep-seated interest in technology so he took up a job at Atari Inc. which was a leading manufacturer of video games. He struck a friendship with fellow designer Steve Wozniak and attended meetings of the “Homebrew Computer Club” with him. Wozniak and Jobs developed a system with a toy whistle available in the Cap’n Crunch cereal box to make it possible to make free long distance telephone calls. They called off the amateur venture after someone told them of the possible legal consequences.

          After saving up some money Steve Jobs took off for India in the search of enlightenment with his friend Dan Kottke. Once he returned he convinced Wozniak to quit his job at Hewlett Packard and join him in his venture that concerned personal computers. They sold items like a scientific calculator to raise the seed capital.

           In 1976, Jobs, then 21, and Wozniak, 26, founded Apple Computer Co. in the Jobs family garage. The first personal computer was sold for $666.66. By 1980, Apple had already released three improved versions of the personal computer. It had a wildly successful IPO, which made both founders millionaires many times over. Steve Jobs had managed to rope in John Scully of Pepsi to head the marketing function in Apple.

           A tiff with the Apple board and John Scully led to the resignation of Steve Jobs. As soon as he resigned he immersed himself in his brand new venture. Steve Jobs decided that he wanted to change the hardware industry. The company was called NeXTStep and the new machine was called NeXT Computer. He ploughed in more than U.S. $250 million into the company. 

          The machine was a commercial washout but it did help in object-oriented programming, PostScript, and magneto-optical devices. Tim Berners-Lee developed the original World Wide Web system at CERN on a NeXT machine. Bitterly disappointed with NeXTStep, Jobs accepted the offer that Apple made him.

            Steve Jobs also started Pixar Inc., which has gone on to produce animated movies such as Toy Story (1995); A Bug’s Life (1998); Toy Story 2 (1999); Monsters, Inc. (2001); Finding Nemo (2003); and The Incredibles (2004). This venture has made him one of the most sought after men in Hollywood.

           Post Pixar, Steve Jobs wanted another round of revolutionizing to do. This time it was the music industry. He introduced the iPod in 2003. Later he came up with iTunes, which was a digital jukebox. A million and a half iPods later, the music industry still does not know whether this invention will save it or destroy it. Apple has a great advertising track record and its ‘Rip, Mix, Burn’ campaign was another feather in its cap. Now the industry uses a Mac to make the music and an iPod to store it.

          If I would have given the opportunity to become a technopreneur and take the same career path that Steve Jobs took, I would honestly say yes. During the time Steve Jobs started to establish the Apple Company, he gained so many friends. People believe in him and respect him very much. I would also want that people would believe in me and respect me, because I want to grab that chance to preach them the Gospel of God and His goodness towards us. I do believe that I could become a good leader and a good shepherd to all of my friends. I want to use this profession to honor God, and to glorify him with all my heart and soul.

        In dealing with his own attitude towards work, I would not follow his ways in handling his fellow co-workers. He made a good start, but it is his boastful attitude that drags him unto his downfall as an entrepreneur. There are some parts of his characteristic that I find it hard to understand. Well, who am I to judge him anyways. I don’t even know anything about him in the past. It’s really true that right attitude is really the key to achieve your goals in life, and base on what I have watched, Steve Jobs lacks of it.

        Since I am only a human being, I do admit to myself that I sometimes also committed mistakes. I know Steve Jobs still deserves a chance of changing his wrong attitude. It’s never too late to change for the better.

        Frankly speaking, I don’t want to take a career path of anyone, not even Mr. Steve or Mr. Bill. I want to do things my way with the support of the guiding hand of the Lord. Mr. Steve is Mr. Steve after all, I’m Daniel Orito and I’m me. I have my own strategy and plans for my future also. But I would still accept all of their ideas and I am also open through all the opportunity that comes my way.

        I am still in the process of learning. There are so many things which I want to discover to myself and all that surrounds me. My career path only belongs to God. I trust all the days of my life through Him only. It is His Divine love that keeps me from going and never giving up. I can do all things through Him only which gives me strength and courage to continue.

To be with Him the Honor and Glory always. 


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